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LOOK: Have you seen the documentary Billions for Change? If you haven’t, you really should. It’s only about 40 minutes long, it’s available free online and it’s incredibly inspiring! Manoj Bhargava is an Indian American businessman and philanthropist who created the 5Hour Energy drink. He’s made billions and now he’s literally on a mission to save the world. His team of engineers is taking on big issues like energy, water and health. I know, I know, easy for Manoj and his billions, but the beauty of this doc is in its inspiring call to action and the creative approach Manoj and his team take to solving problems.

LISTEN: Stressed out, freaked out, travel weary, beat down, burned out, rat race, lost in space… man-o-man, it ain’t easy making it all work in the non-stop global workplace. Take heed, take a deep breath and give a quick listen to this, as TED-level experts from the fields business, philosophy and the arts lay out the wisdom, techniques and benefits of how to find some quiet in a busy world.

READ: One of the wonderful elements to working cross culturally and traveling abroad, for both business and pleasure, is how our perception of a nation and culture hold up in the face of reality. As the British author of this article on cursing in the UK and USA points out, given American movies and pop culture (Wolf of Wall Street had over 500 f-bombs!), she had always assumed that Americans have fouler mouths than her fellow Brits.  However, after traveling the States she found that her Britons were the fouler-mouthed lot. How about you…what countries, cultures and cities have you found the language most appalling?

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