We’ve been thinking a lot about women in global business this month. As we saw in our International Women’s Day webinar, women face unique business challenges around the world.

It’s essential that all businesspeople establish credibility when entering into new business relationships. Let’s look at how global businesswomen can do this around the world.

Introductions are important in every country highlighted below, with the exception of the highly transactional United States.

In order for women to establish credibility globally, you should request an introduction from a high-ranking person. It’s best if these introductions happen in advance of business travel and include a brief bio highlighting your education and accomplishments. Provide this bio to the person introducing you to make it as easy as possible.

Businesswomen should plan with your teams, in advance of travel, to lead discussions or answer questions on a specific topic. The more you show your expertise, the more credibility you build.

To introduce your educational background or other accomplishments, ask your Argentine colleagues a question such as where he went to school. This generally prompts them to ask the same question of you and allows you to respond without appearing to boast.

Businesswomen should accept chivalrous gestures and comments from Argentine businessmen, even if such actions would not be acceptable in their home country. Argentine businesswomen accept such behavior as their due and following that strategy demonstrates that the foreign businesswoman has not lost her femininity.


Strive to speak clearly and concisely and present a well-ordered business case. Respond as candidly as possible to questions. If you do not know the answer, it is better to admit that rather than appear evasive, which may be misinterpreted as insincerity.

Following through with promises and agreements is extremely important in developing an ongoing business relationship. If you do not keep your word, you will lose credibility and have greater difficulty achieving a successful business deal.


If you come from a culture that prizes being direct and concise, it is a good idea to modify your speech pattern and be more circuitous and tactful in your communication.

If possible, a businesswoman should sit in a powerful position vis-à-vis her team members. The most senior Chinese team member generally takes the center seat on one side of the table with subordinates fanning out in descending order of rank.

It is important that a foreign businesswoman appear firm and not self-deprecating when speaking. Non-verbal signs that a woman is not confident in herself will be translated to mean that she is uncertain of her technical competence.

It is imperative that a businesswoman avoid raising her voice. Czechs generally find a loud tone of voice unsettling and especially displeasing from a woman.

A businesswoman should be authorized to make decisions. Saying she is not may cause her to lose credibility.

If a businesswoman wants to host a business meal, lunch is the preferred vehicle. If an Indian businessman insists on picking up the check, even though the foreign businesswoman extended the invitation, she may politely insist. If the businessman reiterates his insistence, she should agree.


Some businessmen expect businesswomen to get them tea, even if the parties are at similar levels. Although this generally doesn’t happen to a foreign businesswoman, she may be referred to as a “girl”. It is best to overlook such behavior. Making an issue of sexist comments or behavior could negatively affect your business dealings.

Strive to speak clearly and concisely and present a well-ordered business case. Respond as candidly as possible to questions. If you do not know the answer, it is better to admit that rather than appear evasive, which may be misinterpreted as insincerity.

Qataris are accustomed to foreign experts coming who provide advice and counsel. They willingly accept a woman if she demonstrates expertise in her field.

Arabic is a language of embellishment. Qataris speak with emotion and are prone to exaggeration and hyperbole. Although it is not necessary to speak in the same fashion, if a businesswoman comes from a culture that prizes being direct and to the point, she may wish to modify her speech pattern and include more adjectives and adverbs than normal.

A businesswoman may come in contact with businessmen who do not wish to conduct business with a woman. Should this occur, it is essential she remains polite. Losing her temper or showing signs of displeasure will cause her to lose credibility.


Learn something about American current affairs. Since there are strong regional differences, learn a little bit about the regions where you’ll be conducting business.

Follow through is extremely important in the USA, so it is a good idea to send a note the day after a meeting that either recaps the meeting or thanks the individual for their time. If it seems appropriate, a list of next steps might be part of the recap.

What would you add? How have you established credibility as a global businesswoman?

The information in this article comes from the CultureWizard Country Profiles. Interested in learning more? Click below to request a demo!
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